360 Degree Moving Gives Back

Downey Side is the only national adoption agency exclusively devoted to recruiting families for youth 7 to 17 years old who need permanent families. For many children in the foster care system, adoption is the only safeguard against future homelessness in their young lives. Downey Side began in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1967 when Fr. Paul Engel, OFM Cap., a Capuchin priest, placed a seventeen year old boy into the home of Margaret Downey. - See more at: http://www.downeyside.org/about.php#sthash.a50b0QA6.dpuf
On November 11, 2014 360 Degree Moving's president Shane Wiley was able to perform our company's first charitable act. We arrived at the office of Father Paul Engel, to his surprise Mr. Wiley announced that we would not be charging for our services that day. Father Paul Engel was a little taken aback by the generosity, and responded with total appreciation. For over 10 hours 360 Degree Moving proceeded to move Downy Side's office from St. John the Baptist Church in Midtown to their new office location on the Upper West Side.
We are a new business, and just making it to year two is an accomplishment. However, in the future as 360 Degree Moving becomes stronger we will continue to give back to those who selflessly help the community. Father Paul Engel has dedicated his life to helping those who need it the most, the children.
360 Degree Moving is proud to have had the opportunity to provide a service to a charitable organization that prevents youth homelessness.