Beware of Unlicensed Movers
This is a very important topic that I hope my potential customers will take the time to research. In New York being a licensed moving company means you have a NYDOT#.
360 Degree Moving's NYDOT# is 39145. The requirements to receive, and maintain a NYDOT# are a background check of experience, and most importantly that insurance requirements are in place that fulfill the New York Department Of Transportation's legal thresh hold. The moving company must maintain Cargo, Workmen's Compensation, and Truck Liability. Most licensed movers will also have a general liability policy that is required of most Condominium Associations, Commercial/Residential buildings with elevators.
These requirements are in place to protect the customer's belongings, and insulate the customer from litigation resulting from an injury on the customer's property. In today's environment of injury lawsuits it is imperative to have a licensed mover handle your move. The moving process is very physical, and that leads to a higher potential for injury. That is why the moving industry, and roofing industry have very high workmen compensation premiums. An unlicensed, uninsured mover does not have the same overhead when it comes to having the proper insurance in place to protect the customer. That is why when they offer a lower price it comes with a catch. If they have a day laborer get hurt on your property, guess who gets sued to pay the medical bills. I don't wish that upon any potential customer. When choosing moving companies solely upon price, please at a bare minimum utilize a licensed, and insured company. After confirming their license is active, and current then continue to research reviews online, and ask friends, family, and coworkers if they have any knowledge of the company.
Legitimate moving companies will have their NYDOT# posted on their website, and all marketing materials. If you do not see this on the website, and advertisements it is a red flag. It required by law that this is done. It is possible that a licensed company has relaunched a website and mistakenly did not post their license, but it definitely should be a question posed by a potential customer. Having a license does not guarantee a great move. Some moving companies are just better than other companies in terms of the talent, and disposition of the actual movers. The actual movers are the ones that really set apart one company to the next. After the movers it is the integrity of the people in charge of the operation. Are they there to make a quick buck, or is the company guided by integrity, honesty, and the desire to serve the public for decades to come. Most unlicensed movers fall into the quick buck category, and that leaves little regard for their own reputation, and inability to follow through on commitments. It leaves the customer more vulnerable to no shows on moving day. Unlicensed movers are less likely to settle a claim in the unfortunate event of damage to furniture, or residence. They have no reputation to protect so they are less likely to be in it for the long haul. Most importantly a customer may be held liable for medical bills if someone gets hurt on their private property. This is the number one reason to avoid unlicensed/uninsured movers. Even if they are honest, and do a great job nobody can 100% prevent an accident. That is the purpose of insurance, to protect against accidents that we do not see coming. Professional licensed and insured movers take all the proper steps to prevent accidents from happening, but in case someone does get hurt the company has the proper insurance policies in place to protect the customer.